So today I decided to inform my students from my various groups that like them, I too have homework. I told them my homework consisted of writing about things that I have learned throughout the day or questions that I have about teaching. In one of my groups we are currently reading Horrible Harry Takes the Cake. In this book it talks about investigating and defending various animals. So we, as a group, started thinking of different animals we would like to investigate. Some of the students were telling me some animals they would pick and then turned and asked me what animal I would choose. I then thought to myself and came up with the skunk.The group then asked me why? I honestly told them that I didn't know too much about the skunk and I wanted to investigate it more. They told me that was my homework for tonight. :)
Here's what I came up with...
Interesting Facts You May Not Have Known About Skunks:
1. Skunks mainly come out at night.
2. Skunks usually live by themselves unless they are with their mother and other babies.
3. Skunks are mainly a non-aggressive animal and don't get in trouble.
4. A skunk's spray consists of sulfuric acid and is harmless against cars.
5. Skunks are in danger of becoming extinct in certain areas that have heavy traffic because their sprays are harmless against cars which is why you see a lot of them dead, on the side of the road.
(information taken from:
In summary, the skunks are animals that don't go looking for trouble but if they do come across it, they have a stench that is STRONG and STINKY! :)
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